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An Emptiness Louder Than the Howling Wind

Mar 3, 2014 | 5 comments

     “For thus says the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, “I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” (Isaiah 57:15)

I read a story recently that reduced me to tears.

It wailed with an anguish so great and so deep, no doubt God took notice.

The story is a paradox; it is both gut-wrenching and uplifting at the same time.

It can prompt us to reassess our lives: Are we empty? Are we lowly in spirit and weighed down by a contrite heart? Or are we content and praising the name of the Lord?

This is the story of 15-year-old Davion Only, an orphan so alone, so shuttled between foster homes, never knowing his real parents, never really belonging.

He was born while his mother was in jail.

When he searched for her, he found her in the newspaper obituary page. She had died just weeks earlier.

He desperately wanted to be part of a family, to experience the warmth, the comfort, the laughter, the sharing, the fellowship that comes with family.

With his social worker in tow, Davion borrowed a too-big suit and a tie he didn’t know how to tie, went to the local St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, walked up to the pulpit and announced:

“My name is Davion and I’ve been in foster care since I was born  . . . I know God hasn’t given up on me. So I’m not giving up either.

“I’ll take anyone,” he said. “Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don’t care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be.”

If that doesn’t break your heart …

But God doesn’t give up on anyone, Davion, and He won’t give up on you. I am praying that God will bless you richly.

What You Can Learn From Davion’s Story

His plight brings to mind Mark 9:37, where Jesus says, “Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me.”

Thank you, Jesus, for loving us and making our joy complete.

After his plea earned national headlines, Davion was able to spend Christmas with a family that wanted to adopt him.

Let’s go from Davion Only to the bigger picture.

How did we get to this point?

The point where the human spirit cries out in such pain and anguish, a cry so loud it is like a sub-zero wind howling through our eternal souls like a runaway locomotive, chilling the collective bones of America.

Davion’s story is no different than those who go through life without God, knowing something is missing in their life but not knowing their spirit cries out to be adopted by the family of God.

Our sin nature amplifies our soul-searching as our spirit cries out for a sense of belonging. The human spirit cries out when separated from God.

We have a restless spirit that finds no rest without God.  

      “And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)

Just as this wonderful young man longed to belong to a family, many people across the face of the Earth are also in anguish, longing for fellowship with their Creator.

They just may not know that is what they are missing in their lives.

More appropriately, they may not be aware of WHO they are missing in their lives, and that is Jesus Christ, God’s Son, born to die with our sins on His back so that we may be allowed back in the family of God.

You Were Created With Eternity in Your Heart

God created us.

Whether we admit it or not, God has put in our DNA an emptiness that is felt throughout the soul when we are out of fellowship with Him.

We cry out. We lash out. We are in pain. We have a need to belong. We drift without God’s navigation in our life.

So, why are we empty without God’s love abiding in us?

Because, all good things come from God. A content soul is happy and at rest, and Jesus makes our joy complete.

     “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11)

If we don’t know God, if we don’t have fellowship with God, how can we say we are partakers of “all good things?”

We can’t, because they are missing in our lives.

James 1:17 puts it succinctly: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

Add to it Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Through fellowship with the Father through his Son Jesus, ALL these things are added unto you.

Until then, our soul cries out, Lord, where are You?

Just as God did not give up on Davion Only, He won’t give up on you.

Just call on the name of Jesus and you will be saved. He bridged the gap between sinful man and Holy God.

      ‘That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:3)

God Resists the Proud But Gives Grace to the Humble

Are you contrite and lowly in spirit, knowing something is missing in your life?

As God’s word says in Isaiah 57:15, He comes to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.

(The word ‘contrite’ is defined as “feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming.”)

Now it all makes sense. Our sin nature will always make us “contrite.”

Jesus came to take our sins away once and for all and to make us children of the Most High God and righteous in His eyes, bringing us back into fellowship with the Father.

We are part of His family now.

Jesus came to revive your wounded heart and your lowly spirit that torments your soul and prevents you from finding peace.

It took years for that light bulb to go on over my head and make me realize that there is no purpose in life without Jesus.

If  you doubt me, call on the name of Jesus and find out for yourself. He is knocking at your door. It’s up to you to open it and let Him in.


  1. Hopper Walter Sr.

    Thanks again for another Blog,CCSB. Have I ever felt Emptiness before Yes? My first Dad went Home to Heaven Christmas Eve, and our Lord took his place. And along with my first Mother after graduating from Elementary School. Having a family of seven sisters and three brothers. Than after living with the Grandparents my family grew to a total of eighteen. The Blog story reminds me of an past movie called Blind Side. How the Oher family became blessed with two sons.
    Lastly not only being married in the family of God, and our Samoan families also. PS: As said in the Blog that our God will take anyone and dose not see skin tone. Just like living the country growing up, I did not learn about culture until. Being aloud to move to Los Angeles Eastside. I now have at least twenty thousand brothers and sisters in the Lord, where I fellowship and I am sure Davion you could say the same also.<.

    • ani maamin

      You are right, Hopper, and thanks for sharing. God’s family means sharing the Light of this world, and that’s Jesus Christ, who led you, me and everyone who calls upon his name out of the darkness and far from that howling wind of emptiness.

      • Hopper Walter

        Thanks again ani maamin for the responce and for the Blog, on howling wind of emptiness. Because the Blog’s are just encouraging, but apart of an Prayer list of thing and people to Prayer for. <. PS: see family soon.

  2. kurt bennett

    Great analogy Ani. Davion’s story ripped my heart out, but you’re right. That’s the story of every person who lives without Christ, whether they realize it or not. Thank you for sharing this.

    • ani maamin

      Who are we that God is so mindful of us? We are blessed that God created us to fellowship with Him. Without Jesus, our spirits will only remain restless and searching for happiness in vain. Thanks for reading, Kurt.


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