Vacation Bible School - VICTORY

26junAll Day30Vacation Bible School - VICTORY

Event Details

Monday June 26 – Friday June 30; 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Main Sanctuary
Equip your sports gear and get ready to run onto the field, it’s GAME TIME! Joining Jesus’ Team is a lifelong race of endurance that leads to VICTORY! Don’t miss the KICKOFF, sign up and learn how to run with JESUS through crafts, games, snacks, songs, small group discussions, and Bible stories! Incoming Kindergarten through 5th graders are invited to run with us this summer from June 26th – 30th. VBS is FREE, so invite your friends to join the team! You can register online at or stop by the main foyer or kidLIFE Courtyard. VBS invites are available in the foyer to pass out to family and friends. For more information, contact Jake Sanchez at 



June 26, 2023 - June 30, 2023 (All Day)(GMT-08:00)


Main Sanctuary

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