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How to Sow and Reap a Harvest of Blessings

Jan 30, 2017 | 9 comments

Let’s suppose you want to plant a vegetable garden.

If you sowed tomato seeds into the ground, you’d expect to see tomatoes when it came time to harvest—no brainer.

Reversely, if you wanted to plant a garden and you hoped and prayed and read about tomatoes, but didn’t actually sow a tomato seed, well, you’d get nothing.

This principle is called sowing and reaping and its found in Galatians 6:7

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

God is declaring that you first are not to be deceived into believing that what you do or don’t do will not reap consequences.

These consequences can be good or bad, it’s the effect of your action, whichever that is.

God is not mocked because His glory cannot and will not ever be compromised.

“For the measure you use, will be measured back to you.” – Luke 6:38 

This principle of sowing and reaping is one that applies to every believer and non-believer alike.

Everything you sow today will be reaped in your harvest tomorrow.

God is no respecter of persons.

In other words, He shows no partiality.

He wants everyone to be saved and do good and that means forming good habits as well.

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6 

You can sow into any area of your life, either sparingly or bountifully, whether it be spiritual, relational, financial, or physical.

But you will only get out what you put in.

Are your daily habits reaping the harvest your desiring?

Or, are there areas you need to work on to achieve the goals and results you’re looking for?

Are You Reaping Blessings or Weeds?

This principle carries over into your everyday life.

However, most Christians live as if in a box.

They make God so small that they seem to always remain where they’re at.

Well my friends, let me tell you, that is a lie!

The devil wants you to remain where you are because you’re no threat to his agenda against God’s saints moving in action against him.

When you do nothing you become just that.

God gives us commands spiritually but also physically.

These commands can work in any area of your life specifically in sowing and reaping.

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another or both.” – Ecclesiastes 11:6 

 If you have a goal you’re aspiring to achieve, the best way to measure the success of that goal is to look at the habits you possess now.

This will determine the outcome.

Are your habits forming seeds for a profitable harvest or for a rotten one?

Remember, God doesn’t have the same timeline as we do, “For His ways are above ours and His thoughts are above our thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8)

And, He has a perfect will and a perfect timing for each one of our prayer requests.

Many Christians today sit, pray, and go to church waiting for God to just plop down a great reward simply because they’re saved.

As if it’s owed to them, they do nothing but wait for God to give them whatever they ask just because they’ve said their 100th prayer.

But God requires action on our part.

You must take that step first then God will meet you.

God says, “If you’re faithful with very little I will make you faithful over much”. (Luke 16:10)

He always wants you to be the best version of you.

That means making good choices and getting rid of any bad habits that are causing your harvest to grow weeds instead of blessings.

The Seeds You Plant Become the Harvest You Reap

To have a successful harvest you must know what you’re planting.

So you want something different?

New changes for this new year?

Then you must have clearly defined goals you can sow into DAILY.

Start with the spiritual and you’ll be successful in the physical.

For me, this was in the area of discipline with my studies, finances, ministry, and prayer life.

Almost everything in life takes discipline, and it’s hard, but I was overwhelmed and stressed out from the burden of all my tasks.

I had an attitude of, “Woe is me!”

So what did I do about it?

I began to practice discipline.

I woke up 2 hours earlier to start my devotional time with God and I got focused and intentional about completing my daily tasks that I planned out the day before.

Like many of you, my schedule is hectic and I would complain to God all the time that I had “no time”.

So He showed me this area of discipline that I neglected, and it has made a dramatic difference in my everyday life.

Just by starting my day earlier and being focused on my tasks, my stress has diminished!

Are there areas in your life you want to see changes made? 

Then it’s time to set goals, stay disciplined, and strive to be all that God has called you to be!

Key Takeaway

“Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.”

You see, I began to sow seeds of discipline and the harvest was immediate—peace and time.

So maybe you’re interested in starting a business, but your sowing hours of TV, social media, eating, shopping, just being a busy body without really being busy with much.

Yet you wish and keep saying you will start a business.

Well, sadly, you won’t if you don’t sow the right seeds.

Remember, you can’t get tomatoes until you plant tomato seeds.

This applies to any goal you may want.

And, the same applies spiritually if you want to grow deeper in the Lord.

You must sow in the time with Him.

Be intentional because the devil is always intentional about making sure you’re not!

10 Seeds You Can Sow to Reap a Harvest of Blessings!

In the Bible, there was a great man named Abraham.

God had a covenant with him.

He was greatly blessed, but not just because he was born that way.

True, God had purposed to use him before he was born.

But God still required action on his part.

In Genesis 17, God told Abraham that if he walked blameless, He would make a covenant of with him.

“I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” (Genesis 17:1-2)

You see God required Abraham to do something first.

He required action on his part. even as favored as Abraham was, the rule of sowing and reaping still applied to him.

Even as favored as Abraham was, the rule of sowing and reaping still applied to him.

Imagine how much discipline Abraham had in all areas of his life.

Here are some of the seeds Abraham sowed to receive blessings from God.

You can sow them too. It may not be easy, but with God, it can be possible! (Matthew 19:26)

  1. He obeyed God
  2.  He took action
  3. He worshiped
  4. He maintained peace
  5. He was generous
  6. He had perseverance
  7. He had gratitude
  8. He was disciplined
  9. He had integrity
  10. He walk by faith

God wants you to have a prosperous harvest in your life.

But gives you choices to make every single day.

You can either make wise or foolish choices.

God won’t force your hand in either direction.

Remember, you will always receive a harvest on everything you sow.

What that harvest will be is up to you.


  1. Matilda Agyei

    Hi Erica I really appreciate your encourage to take ownership of my identity in christ Jesus.I really want to get closer to him because he said in John 15:1-11 that he is the vine and we are the branches if only we abide in him we will produce more fruits but if we don’t then we can’t produce anything.And you have made me realized that what i sow is what i reap.Thank you so much

  2. Funke

    God bless u Erica, and will continue to increase you. can sowing be in form of money too?. Because you didn’t mention it. I wanted to sow a bountiful amount of money for a prosperous years ahead. Can I still do that? or I shld only sow on what you have listed. Will anticipate your response. Thank you

    • Erica Allswang

      Hi Funke!!

      Yes sure sowing can be in the form of money as well..but I would ask the question what is your motive? See God looks at the heart unlike man. So are you sowing money in order to get a return or are you sowing it because you want to give to back to God because you know its his anyways and your demonstrating your faith and trust in him by doing so. It is good to have a plan and prepare in advance for your self but I would pray about sowing money only to get a return because what happens in case you don’t get what you expected, how would you still view God? Would that impact that? if so then re evaluate your motives and allow the Holy spirt to lead you and guide you on what on where to sow. Nothing is wrong with sowing money and it is encouraged as to bless others, just be careful to examine your heart when you do so.

      God Bless you 🙂

  3. Kameelah Malone

    This is such an amazing and Insightful post. I ran across your page by typing in how to sow a seed. I have been pushing myself to apply for my Masters in Speech Pathology however I believe that I need to sow a seed before I begin. Do you have any advice on sowing a seed in this manner. Thank you and God Bless

    • Erica Allswang

      H Kameelah!

      Thank you and praise God! A lot of times there may be things or opportunities in life that we are not sure we should partake in and sometimes God doesn’t always give us the clearest sign. There were a lot of great people in the bible where this was the case but God was after their faith. With Abraham God told him to leave where he was and pick up and go, not knowing where to…see God requires active faith because that shows true trust in him. When it comes to your masters program look back in your life and see if there has been evidence of Gods hand on it leading you to this path, for example…Have people encouraged you to do it? Do you have a spiritual gifting that would be best used in this career path? Has it been in your heart for a while? Has doors opened in this area of work/school? Do you enjoy it? These are some helpful ways that God can use to show us a direction and most of the time the greatest seed that we can sow is… Faith.

      Hebrews 11:6 For without faith it is impossible to please God

  4. Emmanuel

    wow, am much grateful for this piece, l had been researching on the Biblical concept of seed sowing. but most articles l got talks about money and that left me wondering can’t we sow seed of other things? till l found your article the my question became answered. thank you. your article is a blessing to me.

  5. Natalie

    Hello Erica,
    I bonce upon your interesting article . Thanks for your insight. I am trying to apply or live my true purpose in Christ.


  6. Penny

    Hi, erica i found your blog while reasearching on seed planting,there are contracts i have been trusting God for and i asked God to lead me on how to plant a seed then two peoople my cousin and a friend have since come to me asking for a substantial amount of Money which both intend to give back, can this be considered a seed?

    Does it also mean when i plant love i reap love when i plant money i get money?

  7. Nicholas

    How do you sow faith?


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