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Jesus Christ Will Intervene On Your Behalf!

Jul 1, 2013 | 6 comments

“Suddenly, a man in the synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit began shouting, “Why are you interfering with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” – Mark 1:23-24

Satan wants nothing more than to completely destroy your life but Jesus Christ is divinely intervening on your behalf.

We may not be fighting against flesh and blood, brothers and sisters, but we surely are not fighting these unseen forces of darkness all alone!

The world around us may be raging out of control, with the enemy driving behind the wheel, but God is still sitting on the throne.

God alone is in full and complete control of the lives of His children, and will not allow any weapons formed against them to prevail! (See Is. 54:17)

This means that absolutely nothing can happen to you without God’s permission and whatever the enemy intends for evil, God will turn around and use for good. (See Genesis 50:20)

Being a Christian in Today’s World

As Christians, the life we now live is counter-cultural. It goes against the social norms and the popular vote.

People will make fun of us, mock us and even hate us simply because we follow Jesus; because He has called us out of this world as His own. (See John 15:9)

Life as Christ’s followers takes place on a battlefield, brothers and sisters, not a playground because we are at war with the enemy.

Satan may prowl around like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour, but there is no need to be afraid.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all!” (Psalm 34:19)

We are soldiers in the Lord of Heaven’s Army, and our Commander-in-Chief does not sleep! His eyes are constantly upon His children and every single battle we’ll ever encounter belongs to Him!

So stay encouraged and don’t lose hope. God is on your side and promises to never allow His righteous to fall. (See Psalm 55:22)

Your Father promises to exchange your weakness for His strength, and will you give a much needed daily dose of His all-sufficient grace!

The enemy does not have the upper hand in the life of a believer, God Almighty does.

Satan and his army of demons may be trying to seek, kill and destroy you, but there is One greater than all of them!

Jesus Christ who lives inside of you is so much greater and more powerful than he who lives in the wicked and fallen world! (See 1 John 4:4)

Key Takeaway

When you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart He completely took over your life. Satan wants you to think you’re defenseless against his attacks but he is a liar!

The truth is, God is protecting you and has His angels encamped around you!

No longer will you be destroyed by the wiles of the devil. No longer are you fighting this spiritual battle all alone.

You do not fight for victory, you fight from victory!

As sons and daughters of the Most High King, we are to no longer walk around troubled, timid or afraid.

We are to put on the full amour of God every single day and remain steadfast, immovable and confident in our Savior’s ability to defend us, prepare us and lead us in victory, no matter who or what may come our way!

So stay encouraged no matter what you’re currently going through. God’s hands are not only holding the entire world, brothers and sisters, they are also lovingly holding you too.

Rest and rejoice in the presence of your Savior knowing wholeheartedly that He truly is your “refuge and strength, always ready to help you in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Study Verses: Genesis 50:20, 1 John 4:4, 2 Corinthians 12:9


  1. Sarah

    I needed this message today. Your timing was perfect

    • Peter Guirguis

      Thanks Sarah for that feedback, God bless you 🙂 We’re glad it ministered to you.

    • Amanda Cook

      Awww praise God Sarah! It’s amazing how personal God is with us…how His words do speak directly to our hearts in such individual ways! Let me know if and how i can pray for you! <3

  2. statistician belachew

    I am happy and lucky, bacause I gotten this etern idea to my life and I have make a great effort to pray always.

  3. amanda777cook

    Hi Statistician! Thank you so much for your reply! Praise God He is speaking to you and giving you the wisdom and ability to apply it to your life. Prayer is such a vital part of our relationship with God, making it more than just religion, but an actual personal relationship. God bless you! Keep fighting the good fight of your faith!

  4. Rhonda

    Amanda,,,, I got a call this morning from a distressed x-husband concerning what the 3 children we have are intending to do with him…. (he has Dementia) I cannot tell you how your words of blessings and encouragement on God’s Intervention has so uplifted me and strengthened me today! I called someone and they prayed for intervention in my life and then I found your article… I had actually prayed earlier (after I got the call) about God Intervening,,,, well this friend prayed for God to Intervene ( I did not tell her I had prayed for this) but that was the SECOND confirmation and then I got on my knees and went before the Lord an asked him to Please Give Me One More Sign That This Is Exactly What He Is Doing In This Situation…. well the article is titled:
    SPIRITUAL WARFARE ~ ~ and I thought it would be saved as such…. but Low and behold it came up:
    Jesus Christ is Intervening In Your Behalf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this Awesome or what!!!! Thank you for sharing these thoughts as I have printed it off and changed it to be personalized Just for Me…. It has brought me Great Comfort & Peace! May God Bless & Keep You!


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