Thursday – Sunday, September 5 – 15
GET EQUIPPED TO ENGAGE YOUR WORLD! You are invited to be part of our GO IMPACT CONFERENCE. This will be a week of learning how to GO IMPACT in reaching our families, friends, communities, and our city! GO WEEK will be filled with guest speakers from around the world, our church picnic, stories of IMPACT, outreaches and more! Together we can reach LA for Christ! Please visit https://calvarylife.com/goimpact/ for a detailed plan of each day for GO WEEK! For more information, contact Candace Laolagi at calvarylife.com/contact
THU 9/5 – GO IMPACT KICKOFF – Dessert Fellowship @ 5PM followed by service @ 7PM with guest speaker Steve Mayo. Bring a dessert to share!
SAT 9/7 – GO IMPACT CHURCH PICNIC @ 12PM – 4PM at Wilson Park in Torrance. Invite a friend and bring a side dish or dessert to share!
SUN 9/8 – DOMINGO DE IMPACTO – CHURCH SERVICES @ 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 12:30PM with guest speaker from San Salvador, El Salvador sharing an IMPACT message.
MON 9/9 – NIGHT OF PERSECUTION @ 7PM – Hear from Evan Mawarire from Frontlines of Freedom on IMPACTful ways to stand up for what’s right! As well as experiencing stories from the Persecuted church.
TUE 9/10 – LEARN TO IMPACT PT. 1 @ 7PM – Learn and glean from our missionaries around the world as they share on how to make IMPACT!
WED 9/11 – LEARN TO IMPACT PT. 2 @ 7PM – Learn and glean from our missionaries around the world as they share on how to make IMPACT!
THU 9/12 – FOOD, FELLOWSHIP & CAR SHOW @ 5PM followed by Go Impact service @ 7PM.
FRI 9/13 – IMPACT FOOD TOUR – Invite a friend or plan a family night out at one of the Calvary LIFE staff recommended restaurants. While there, consider inviting your server to Calvary LIFE church services, pray for them, or be a positive witness by sharing your faith as the Lord leads.
SAT 9/14 – GO IMPACT OUTREACHES @ 9AM – In our continuing steps to reach LA, join us for a multitude of outreaches! Signup for an Outreach
SUN 9/15 – GO IMPACT SERVICES/WORSHIP NIGHT @ 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 12:30PM services followed by 7PM worship night!
Wednesdays, September 18 – October 9, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Join us for our 4-week LIFE Classes meeting Wednesday nights from September 18th – October 9th at 6:30-8:00pm. Whether you’re looking to grow as a Christian parent or learn about end times, there is a class for everyone! Childcare is available for all classes. Check out calvarylife.com/LIFE-classes for all details and to register today. Spots are limited.
Wednesdays, September 18 – December 18, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
If you are separated or divorced, you are not alone. Come find community, comfort and hope through this 13-week series where you’ll be guided on the path of recovery and healing. Registration is now open, sign up at calvarylife.com/divorcecare. Ages 18 years and up are welcome. Childcare is available for nursery – 5th grade. For more information, contact Candace Laolagi at calvarylife.com/contact
Sundays, September 22 – October 13, 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
If you or someone you know has recently received Christ, please join us at 12:30 PM during our 3rd service as we learn more about what it means to live the new life that we have been given in Christ. This is a 4-week class held on Sundays from September 22nd – October 13th. Register at calvarylife.com/new-life. Spots are limited! KidLIFE is available for infants through 5th grade through the normal service check-in process. For more information, contact Pastor Troy Fink at calvarylife.com/contact
Sunday, September 22, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM, The Patio
We are sending a mission team to the Philippines and Thailand to share the Gospel, minister, and serve the people in the community. Come out and support our mission team! We will be offering hot dogs and hamburgers between morning services. Any size donation is welcome. Thank you for your support! For more information, contact Arlen Vicencio at ccsouthbay.org/contact
Sundays, September 22, October 20, November 17, December 15, January 12, February 23, March 23, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Classroom 4A
Heart & Home is a non-profit organization that supports families who have welcomed vulnerable children into their “hearts and homes” through foster care, guardianship, adoption, or Strong Families. Support includes The Closet, monthly support groups and events, counseling, community, and meals program. We aspire to display the love of a perfect Father God to an orphaned world. Heart & Home supports families as they endeavor to be living metaphors of the fundamental gospel truth – that we as believers are former orphans adopted by God; we are His sons and daughters, grafted into the family tree of faith through Jesus Christ. Heart & Home is so excited to partner with us to begin serving the community of Los Angeles! We hope you’ll consider joining us for the Heart & Home upcoming meetings. Ages 18 years and older are welcome. For more information, contact Candace Laolagi at calvarylife.com/contact
Friday, September 27, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM & Saturday, September 28, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Ladies join us for our upcoming conference! In this 2-day conference we will pause, refresh, and refocus on what it means to hold fast to Jesus with confidence and hold forth the Word of life to all we come in contact with. Come hear an encouraging Word out of Philippians 2:15-16, take part in breakout sessions, enjoy fellowship while you shop the outdoor marketplace and more! Registration will open soon. Mark your calendars and invite a friend! High school age and up are welcome. Childcare for nursery – 5th grade will be available with signup.
2nd & 4th Fridays of the month, October 11 – November 22, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Multi-Purpose Room
Greetings married and engaged couples! We are counting down until we start our Fall season with a continuation in our “Walking in Love” series. Mark your calendars! We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays in October and November. Join us as we dig into God’s Word, fellowship with other couples, and grow in our walk together. Bring a snack to share, as light refreshments will be served. Childcare is available with registration at calvarylife.com/childcare. For more information, contact Pastor Nacho Galvan at calvarylife.com/contact.
November 11-21, 2025
Join us on a life-transforming journey to Israel in November 2025! The Bible will come to life in ways you never thought possible as you walk in the steps of Jesus and other biblical giants. Immerse yourself in the sights, culture and breathtaking landscapes of the Holy Land, and hear life-changing messages throughout your journey. Once you experience Israel in this way, your life, prayer and understanding of Scripture will be forever changed.
All trip information and registration is available at morningstartours.com/csb1468
Trip Dates: November 11-21, 2025
Land ONLY Tour Cost: $4,125 per person (double occupancy)+airfare*
Single Occupancy: $1,205 additional
Deposit: $750 per person, due with registration
2nd Payment: $1,500 per person, due by June 29, 2025
Balance due by August 28, 2025
*Participants are responsible to book their own airfare, and the cost is NOT included in the land only tour cost. Morning Star Tours is available to help.
Contact Abby Spencer at 972-690-0092 with any questions.
Sundays, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM & 12:30 PM, Main Sanctuary
Join Pastor Chet Sunday mornings as we go through the new series “ACTSions – Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Acts” from the book of Acts. You can also watch the service live at calvarylife.com/livestream
Thursdays, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, Main Sanctuary
Join Pastor Chet on Thursday evenings for a study in 1st & 2nd Chronicles. You can also watch the service live at calvarylife.com/livestream
Sunday, September 29, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, Main Sanctuary
Thursday, October 3, 7:00 PM , Main Sanctuary
Communion will be alternating monthly between the last Sunday of the month and the first Thursday of the month. Please join us as we partake in Communion as the body of Christ. For those livestreaming the service from home, you can prepare the elements (juice & cracker) in advance and partake in Communion with us.
Sundays, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and Thursdays, 7:00 PM, kidLIFE Sanctuary & Classrooms
kidLIFE is available for K-5th and Nursery/Preschool during church services on Sunday mornings and Thursday nights. It will be a fun time as the elementary kids come together to worship and learn all about JESUS! Nursery and preschool aged little ones will enjoy their time in a Christ-centered, loving, and caring environment. Contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Sunday Mornings, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, studentLIFE Centers – Junior High & High School
Thursday Nights, 7:00 PM, studentLIFE Centers – Junior High & High School & Youth Patio
All students grades 6th – 12th are invited to join us on Sunday mornings and Thursday nights for an exciting time of encouragement, equipping, and more! Come out and get connected with other students as we grow together in the Lord. For upcoming schedule of events follow us on Instagram @studentlifesouthbay. Parents, stay up-to-date with important information and events happening in our studentLIFE with text alerts sent directly to your phone by texting your student’s name and grade to (844) 754-6033. Contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Sundays, 10:30 AM & 12:30 PM (2nd & 3rd Services), kidLIFE
Does your kid have a hard time focusing in the general classroom setting? We are offering a class for kids in Preschool to 5th grade, during 2nd and 3rd services, tailored to their individual needs! This class will provide an extra helping hand for any kid who may have an emotional, physical, behavioral or learning hardship. If you’re interested in your kid joining the Wonder Kids class, or you, yourself would like to provide an extra helping hand, contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact.
Mondays, 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM, studentLIFE Center
1 Thessalonians 5:17 declares that we are to PRAY without ceasing! If you have a heart to pray or if you just want to start your week off with prayer, then come join us as we intercede on behalf of the church, His people, and whatever the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. Hope to see you there! Contact Pastor Lester Winge at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM, studentLIFE Centers (On Break June – August)
All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join our studentLIFE Homework Club. Help for different type of subjects will be available. Contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
1st Wednesdays of the month, July – December, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (July 3rd meeting moved to July 10th)
Living Stones ministry offers biblical support for families dealing with relational and sexual brokenness. The support group offered is for families with homosexual or transgender loved ones. Our heart is to encourage you as you love your family members with the love of Christ. Childcare is available (nursery to 5th grade). You can register online at calvarylife.com/living-stones For more information, contact Candace Laolagi at calvarylife.com/contact
2nd Wednesdays of the Month, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Joy Room
Come be a part of God’s Watchmen! Help us watch over the safety, security, and welfare of God’s people during services and special events. Men, 18 years and older are welcome. No experience is necessary. We will provide the training. Contact Adell Traylor at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Fridays, 7:30 PM – 9.30 PM, studentLIFE Center (No meetings on the last Friday of every month)
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8
A bridge is intended to reconcile or form a connection between two things. Let us help you bridge the gap and connect with Jesus and other believers. Are you searching for a community of people you can identify with and be encouraged by in Christ? Young Adult LIFE is a place where you can grow as a believer in Christ and find God’s will for your life. Join us as we connect with Jesus and other believers. We’re excited to see what God has for us as a community of young adults. Invite your friends to join us! Ages 18-30 are welcome. Hope to see you there! Visit calvarylife.com/thebridge for more information on Young Adult LIFE Group meetings held off-site, as well as special events. For more information, contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact
1st & 3rd Fridays of the Month, January 19 – December 6, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Overflow Room
The heart of Prison Outreach is to provide spiritual support to those incarcerated and their loved ones through prayer, encouragement, and discipleship. Join us for our monthly Prison Outreach Meetings on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of every month. Ages 18 years and older are welcome. Contact Candace Laolagi at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
1st & 3rd Fridays of the month, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Small Multi-Purpose Room
Just for women! The Karate Kardio+Robics class is open to Women ages 18 years and older. These classes are high energy, fun workouts to Praise music that increases muscle tone, strength and flexibility, promotes weight loss, improves physical and mental health, and teaches effective self-defense techniques. The class is FREE so invite a friend! Childcare is not available. Visit calvarylife.com/martial-arts or contact Sensei Ginger Taniguchi at umafcsouthbay@yahoo.com for more information.
Fridays, 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Prayer Room & Offsite
Join us as we reach out to the South Bay community for JESUS! Our goal is to train and equip the church to build relationships and to share the Word of God – one home, one park, one community at a time. Come out for worship, devotion, instruction, and personal evangelism. Ages 18 years and up are welcome. Contact Jose Ford at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
3rd Saturdays of the Month, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Fellowship Hall East
The heart of His Healing Hands ministry is to provide a place for those who are suffering or hurting and also for caregivers to receive prayer, encouragement, anointing, comfort, and support. We also provide the homebound and bedridden with visitations and offer prayer, fellowship, communion, and baptism. We invite you to join us for a time of prayer, worship, and God’s Word followed by small related groups led by a group leader to receive additional support for specific needs. For those interested in serving as a group leader, contact Bethany O’Connor at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
If you have a heart for people and a desire to worship God in mind, body, and soul, then Forerunners For Christ shares your heart! We want to reach out to those with active lifestyles to shine the light of Jesus, encourage them in this race of life, and help bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical through the activities of running, jogging, and walking. Invite your friends and family to join us! All ages are welcome. Visit calvarylife.com/forerunners for upcoming event dates, times, and locations. Contact Jared Salvador at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Join us as we share God’s love by providing nourishing food, basic clothing items, and other vital services to people in need. We minister the truth of God’s Word and meet the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the homeless men and women in the South Bay. There are opportunities for you to come alongside those less fortunate and show the love of Jesus Christ. Visit calvarylife.com/feedhishope or contact Joe Lemp at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Grab your Bible and beach chair to fellowship with your brothers and sisters in the Lord at some of the best beaches in the South Bay! Come on out for a time of fun in the Son where you can grow spiritually, reach out to the local surf community, and catch a wave with your forever family. Visit calvarylife.com/seeknsurf for summer beach outreaches and community outreaches throughout the year or contact Richard Guerrero at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Are you looking for ideas on how to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ during dinner time? Check out our easy-to-follow Family Dinner Devotions provided by Calvary LIFE that are posted weekly! These devotions are designed to be done around the dinner table and can help foster spiritual growth within your family. For more information, check out our FamilyLIFE Instagram page @familylifesouthbay or contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact
Our Food Pantry is running low on supplies. This ministry serves our church family and local community by blessing families in need with groceries, praying with them, and sharing the Gospel. If you would like to donate towards our Food Pantry, please refer to calvarylife.com/foodpantry for acceptable non-perishable and personal hygiene donations. Thank you for your thoughtful donations and your heart to bless families in times of hardship. Donations can be dropped off at the Church Office on weekdays or at the Welcome Center between services. Contact Armando Estrada at calvarylife.com/contact or call the Church Office at (310) 352-3333 for more information.
Parents! Here’s a wonderful opportunity for you to serve in the kidLIFE. We are introducing a new ministry called Room Parent! Our goal is for the Room Parent to be part of the classroom by assisting the teacher with passing out curriculum and craft items, help check in and check out children, and escort children to and from the kidLIFE Sanctuary. This role takes very little time and no preparation. Your involvement will make a huge difference for our Sunday school teachers. You are welcome to serve once a month or more often as your schedule allows. No experience is necessary. We will train you! To become part of the team that serves the Lord by serving His kids, visit calvarylife.com/room-parents. Thank you for supporting this new ministry and blessing God’s kids! Contact Pastor Dennis Mascardo at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Do you have musical gifts? The Calvary LIFE worship ministry is looking for electric guitarists, bassists, drummers, pianists, and harmony singers who have experience playing in a live setting. We’d love to meet you and see where your gifts can be used to best serve the church. Visit calvarylife.com/serve and fill out the short form. Contact Pastor Gannin Arnold at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
Here’s a wonderful opportunity to serve God’s people. There are many people in our church body who need transportation to and from their homes to church on Sunday mornings. We are looking for volunteer drivers with a Class B or Class C license to join our church van shuttle service team. Volunteers will be driving the church owned vehicles. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, contact Adell Traylor at calvarylife.com/contact for more information.
January 1 – December 31
God’s love for us is new each day. He is the source of all we could ever need, and keeping our hearts fixed on His Word will give us the strength to face all that lies ahead. Join us as we read through the Bible, fortify our spirit, and grow in our walk as a church family in 2024. You can follow along with your Bible using the 365 day reading plan taken from the One Year Bible. The Bible reading plan is available on our church website at calvarylife.com/bible and on the Calvary LIFE app. To access the Bible reading plan on our app, simply click the Bible icon located at the bottom of the app’s home page.
Church Information
Calvary LIFE APP
Download the Calvary LIFE App and get everything you need in one convenient place, right at your fingertips!
Livestream services, church announcements, give online, see upcoming events, tune in to latest sermons, get Bible reading plan, request prayer, get connected, and more! Join the community at Calvary LIFE as we grow together as followers of Jesus! Visit calvarylife.com/app to find download links for Android and iOS.
View or listen to our sermons by visiting calvarylife.com/sermons.
You can stream our services live by visiting calvarylife.com/livestream.
Tithes and offerings can be made at our in-person services, online by visiting calvarylife.com/give or by texting “give” to 888-777-6897.
You can request prayer online 24/7 by visiting calvarylife.com/prayer.
Biblical counseling is available for those who desire to seek a biblical viewpoint and direction to their lives. Contact the Church Office at (310) 352-3333 to schedule a phone counseling session with a pastor.
If you’d like to know more about Pastor Chet Lowe, please visit calvarylife.com/about-pastor-chet
As a first-time visitor, we welcome you to Calvary LIFE! We’re glad you joined us today! For more information about our church and answers to most frequently asked questions, text NEW to 888-777-6897.
Welcome to the family of God! Now that you made the decision to follow Christ, you may be wondering what’s the next step as a new believer. Let us help you grow in your walk with Lord. Text JESUS to 888-777-6897.
Visit our coffeeLIFE cafe and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee, teas, refreshers or an assortment of pastries, cookies, and sandwiches. As a customer, you allow us to support the work of the ministry, reaching communities for Christ locally and globally, and making a difference in the world.
Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Friday 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Sundays 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM, Closed Mondays and Saturdays.
Family Dinners
Tap here to get started.