“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 12:4-5
Working in the front office of our church has really opened my eyes to how much work has to be done behind the scenes.
What it takes to run a church are not only pastors, ushers, greeters and a worship team, but also everything from secretaries, accountants, graphic artists, administrators, facilities workers, prayer warriors, and so many more!
The thought of all these different ministries, requiring all these individualized skills, reminded me of how God makes our hearts willing to give and serve Him and His people.
He chooses ordinary people like you and me to be His hands, feet, and a reflection of His glorious light to not only fellow believers, but also to those still walking aimlessly around in the darkness.
In order for the church to function the way God intended it to, people must use the gifts God has given them, in the way He intended them to be used. Tweet
What Has God Called You To Do?
Jesus Christ has called us all to work together as one in Him, because all the different parts are needed for the body to function properly as a whole.
Not everyone may be called to be a pastor or a teacher, speak God’s word prophetically, or sing on the worship stage, but everyone is given the divine ability to do something!
If you’re not yet involved in anything because you’re afraid you’re not “qualified” enough, rest assured that you’re in good company!
None of us were born qualified to do anything because apart from the Lord the Bible says, we can do nothing! (See John 15:5)
God will supernaturally give you the ability to do all that He has called you out of this fallen world to do. Not by your own power or might, but by His Holy Spirit at work within you! (See Zech. 4.6)
It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane..It’s a CHRISTIAN!
You, Christian, are a real life superhero for the Lord!
You may not be able to climb on the walls like Spider-Man, turn into a huge green beast like the Hulk, or fly like Superman, but you do have supernatural abilities you never had before you accepted Jesus Christ!
Supernatural Abilities Like:
- Having divinely inspired visions and dreams
- Speaking words of wisdom and/or knowledge
- Having the ability to distinguish between spirits
- Performing modern-day miracles
- Speaking in foreign tongues
- Showing other’s God’s mercy
- Having incredible faith
- Teaching God’s Word…plus so many more!
All for the glory of God and all in Jesus’ name!
Key Takeaway:
“You can never be too small for God to use, only too big”! – Pastor Greg Laurie
Regardless if you’re young or old, weak or strong, rich or poor, new in the faith or have walked with the Lord for several years, God has a distinct and individualized purpose just for you.
Choose today to step up and step out of your comfort zone to be all that God has called you to be! Tweet
Pray and ask God what your spiritual gift(s) are and where He’s called you to serve in ministry.
The possibilities truly are endless when you say “yes” to God’s calling on your life by allowing Him to work in and through it. Tweet
We all have our own individual talents, skills, and abilities, brothers and sisters, so it’s time to take that leap of faith and see where you fit.
Similar to a piece of a puzzle, you will fit into your place perfectly in the body of Christ – guaranteed!
Study Verses: Exodus 35:29, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8
I loved it Amanda when you wrote, “You may not be able to climb on the walls like Spider-Man, turn into a huge green beast like the Hulk, or fly like Superman, but you do have supernatural abilities you never had before you accepted Jesus Christ!”
That was very creative 🙂
haha! Having a 4 yr old who loves superheros is definitively a plus! =] God is so good, to Him definitively be all the glory! =]
Thank you Peter!!! =]
Ministry dose start at in the Home, then the house of God and then, there is Endless Ministries. As the opportunities for ministry are numinous for srevice. And the joy and happyness that comes from serving the body of Christ. Can not be explained as our world can’t understand.But there is joy and ministry in 2 Corinthians 12:10 as our brother Apostle Paul might have said. Love Servent.
You’re absolutely right Walter, God bless you my friend 🙂
thank you Walter!! Words of truth and wisdom indeed! We definitely are blessed when we bless others! God is so good! God bless you brother!
This was perfect for me I’ve been wonting to get involved with the child ministers but I’ve been putting it off and I have even stopped attending church for the last month I have been praying and praying asking God where do I fit in and what can I do to service him then I read this and I really feel this was for me thank you Amanda
Wow, that’s an amazing testimony! Thank you for sharing that with us Debbie 🙂
Awww!! Praise God Debbie!!! Taking that first step in ministry is always scary i think because we don’t always know what to expect…but God is so good and always provides what we need! It’s so amazing to me how God puts various individualized gifts in each and every one of us! The fun part of it all is finding out which ones we have, and then using them to bless God and bless others! The children’s ministry is going to be so grateful to have you on their team =] I hope to see you around sometime and will be praying for you! =] God bless!
This is awesome Amanda, thanks for the encouraging post! I’ll be sure to say hi when I go by the Front Office 🙂
AWw thank you Summer!! I look forward to seeing you! 🙂 God bless you!! 🙂