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3 Steps to Becoming an Ultimate Prayer Warrior

May 6, 2013 | 42 comments

In this blog post, I’ll discuss three steps to becoming an ultimate prayer warrior.

First, you need to keep God the number one priority in your life and surrender your ALL to Him.

Second, you need to nourish yourself with His word.

Third, you need to pray aggressively and believe that God will answer your prayers.

What is Prayer?

Wikipedia’s definition of prayer is “an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with a deity, an object of worship, or a spiritual entity through deliberate communication”.

We are inviting God to do a work in our lives by communicating with Him directly when we pray.

God desires to be closer to you. He will draw nearer to you with every prayer. The more you commune with Him, the more He will commune back with you through that internal voice (i.e. God speaking directly to you through the Holy Spirit), others (i.e. God sends a message to you through someone else), or even through your dreams.

God loves to commune with you in the early mornings – to be the first thought on your mind.

What is a Warrior?

Wikipedia’s definition of a warrior is “a person skilled in combat or warfare”. You are doing spiritual warfare when you pray.

Prayer fights off the enemy’s attacks. The enemy is the devil and all demonic forces. They hate it when you pray.

Remember, this battle is not yours. Let God fight the spiritual battle for you. You do this through prayer.

Alone you can do nothing, but with God, all things are possible!

Surrender to the Lord

First, you have to surrender to the Lord to become a prayer warrior. He needs to be your priority!

You need to decrease so that He can increase in you. Keep your focus on Him.

Remember, the Holy Spirit resides in you once you are saved. You have to die to your flesh. You become a new creature in Christ and need to renew the spirit of your mind in order to be Christ-minded.

Romans 8:13 says, “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live”.

Meditate on the Lord’s Word

Second, you need to meditate on the Lord’s Word (i.e. the Holy Bible) day and night!

You have to read your bible on a daily basis. Get the Word in you. It will come in handy, especially in difficult times. Memorize key verses.

Always ask God to give you wisdom and understanding before you start reading, so that you will discern what He is attempting to show you in the scripture you read.

Remove distractions while you are studying His Word.

Do not rush through scripture.

Be silent and wait with a pen and paper to journal what the Lord reveals to you through His Word.

Psalm 1:2 “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night”.

Psalm 143: 5 “…I meditate on all your works…”

Psalm 119:169 “…Give me understanding according to your word”.

Have Faith in the Lord’s Ability & Desire to Answer Your Prayer

Third, you must believe that God can and will answer your prayers. Have faith. Nothing is impossible with the Lord! He can work miracles on your behalf!

Not only do you have to know that God can and will answer your prayers, but you need to believe that He can and will answer your prayers today!

Have a today mentality. Trust Him.

Psalm 146:5 – 6 says, “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God, Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them…”


You should work daily to become a prayer warrior. Pray when you rise, throughout the day, and before you go to sleep. Put God first in your life. Let the first thing you do every day be to commune with Him.

Make it a priority to read your bible daily. Meditate on what you have read and let it settle in your heart. Fast from time to time. God will strengthen you through His Word!

Lastly, believe that God is able and willing to answer your prayer requests TODAY. You have to believe in order to receive and you’ll be amazed at what He will do.


  1. QDKelly

    It is our responsibility to encourage & motivate, not only fellow Saints, but to take the Godpel to the loss. We should do what Jesus used his Ministry to accomplish while he walked this Earth! I know thats the reason he traveled with his deciples, trainning them to be ambasador’s for the Kingdom! Let’s accept & obey his command to go into all the World…AMEN?

    • Peter Guirguis

      Amen Kelly, I absolutely agree!

      Thank you for your very insightful comments, they are always welcome 🙂

  2. Tiwanda


  3. Cory Haberkern

    Prayer Warrior is the best game I’ve ever played! Does anyone know how to get past the bridge in Club slliP?

  4. iam

    Dear friends please pray for me to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness for my sins and inner healing, also heal Mother Teresa and her family and mother Rosa and the sisters Benerdette and Catherine and those people whom I hurt and upset them unintentionally. Please ask God to restore my friendship with them all. Please restore my friendship with rose Fiorucci and her family, father Brain, bishop Hikki and costelo and mother rosa and the sisters and mother Teresa and her family, and all my own siblings. I live alone and I am feeling very lonely and depress about my situation, all my siblings has their own family and I have no one and wish Mother Teresa to accept me into her family and God to restore my friendship with the Nuns. I believe the power of prayers and I need to associate with Christian people that can help me to grow in faith. please also pray for my sister lucy for healing as she has terminal illness and her and her family to receive the Lord Jesus as personal saviour. pray for Shirley chau and her family, iam nhu mu and her family, Jessica and her family and Sandoval and his family to receive jesus as personal saviour. Amen.


      My prayers are with you and your family.
      May the love of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you always. Amen.

  5. iam

    Dearest friends in Christ
    I desperate need you all to pray and intercede for me before God and ask him for forgiveness of my sins, past and present. I need healing from God, please pray for any curses that I may have from the past generation or words from myself or others that affect me, please pray to God to break the curses and send the blessing and favour to me and bring me close to his heart again. I want to reconcile with God and Christian friends mother Teresa and the nuns. I am so lonely and I need God’s in my life and I wish to live with Mother Teresa and the nuns again. How I wish so much to be restore my friendship with them. Pray for me to be accepted by the nuns and mother Teresa. I need so much prayers I hope God bring me back to the nuns and mother Teresa so much.

    • allison

      Seek Christ and the Father and they will seek you. You do not need acceptance from nuns or Mother Teresa for they are servants just as you are to be. Believe in and seek God’s grace and his love, for this is all we need.

    • Trina Galen

      Repent, be baptized in Jesus name fully in water, and pray that Jesus give you the holy ghost, his spirit, acts 2:38 John 3:1-5. Have a relationship with Jesus, upci church locator, they will baptize you in Jesus name, it’s about your relationship with Jesus

  6. DP

    Please help pray for me to understand the word of God and live by it. I try hard to submit to God but I do not feel it in me and I feel like I am very far from Him. I used to read the bible all the time but suddenly I feel like I have no time. I am facing a lot of difficulties and I have gone through all possible solutions I thought could help me get back on my feet and be normal. I feel like I am drowning and have nowhere to turn to. I occasionally fast and pray but I don’t seem to be getting positive results. What could be the problem or where do I go wrong? Please help me grow in my faith. Thank you.

    • Griselda Alvizar

      Dear DP, may Gods peace and mercy be with you always. God loves you very much. He yearns a relationship with you. You have to always depend of His grace and love and mercy. Don’t depend on nothing else but His. Jeremiah 29:13 is a scripture you should meditate. Surrender your life to Him and let Him know that you can not go on without Him. Tell Him you need Him. Tell Him you are hungry or ask for hunger for Him(Word). May God bless you by His precious glorious grace. I declare blessing for your life. Peace be with you always. Understand you are always loved.

      -By His grace, a servant of God.

      PS Watch a movie called “War room” that just came out in the movies. God bless you.


      Keep praying and believe.

  7. Wendelin Phillips

    I will pray for God to renew the spirit of your mind and give you a revelation of His Word. You need to start reading the bible daily and commune with the Lord Jesus Christ daily. Everyone goes through difficulties, but the difference with a Christian, is that you will come through those difficulties when you keep your focus on God. He is with His people. You may need to go to a quiet place sometimes and focus on Him, in silence, to hear His voice. The Holy Spirit will speak to you. (John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”) Also, I recommend that you accept Jesus Christ into your heart again and give yourself whole-heartedly to Him. Then practice trusting God. Ask Him to show you the areas in your life that you need to change. Then be obedient. Fasting and praying will be stifled by unbelief.

    Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and the He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

    You may choose to join a church to receive encouragement and have fellowship with other believers. I hope this helps you grow in your faith. You are welcome.

  8. Anonymous

    Out of respect the Bible should be spelled with a capital “B.”

    • Anonymous

      I totally agree, Bible should always spell with capital “B”

  9. Rosalind

    Prophetess Martin says, Hi DP, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has three distinctive personalities, yet all 3 or 1. You have to acknowledge and seek out the right personality to help you in your time of trouble or need. When you or trying to study the word of God and learn of Him or even draw closer to Him you need to call upon the Spirit of God,the Holy Spirit. John 14: 26 says but the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. The Father never leaves us, we may leave Him but He’s there with open arms waiting for our return. Repent in Jesus name and forget your past, walk into the spirit of your future in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of God. Proverbs chapter 1 is a great start when drawing close to God our Father. Your face book name will always be lifted up before God for your faith and strength in our Lord Jesus Christ by Me, be blessed forever more. Amen.

  10. Anonymous

    October 9,2015

    The Name of the Lord be praised.
    let all God’s people praise His Name

    • Merlyn Guillermo


  11. Darryl

    AMEN! So true! I agree!

  12. david

    I’m praying for all of u may God bless you

  13. Willie Mae Shelton

    thanks Wendelin
    I have been battling some dreams for quite sometime now. And I was afraid to ask God what they mean and why was I chosen to have, see and make sure the person( s) god wanted me to give message to hear what god was saying to them. But some people are very unapproachable and that’s what makes me turn away before I deliver gods message.

  14. Olivia

    For sure I fill busting in my heart I desire to have Him ..
    Its wonderfully teaching

  15. McClain

    This was sooo helpful. I really appreciate your words of wisdom and sound advice.
    In all of your teachings, you always reminded us to keep Yah first and foremost in our lives and in our daily walk.
    Yahs continued blessings to you and yours.

  16. Wattle

    Dear prayer warriors, I need spiritual guidance on an issue that has rocked our family to the core. My daughter has informed us that she is in relationship with her female friend whom we’ve known for the past two years. This has come as a total shock to us all. She says “this is how it is now, but could change in the future, who knows I might meet a nice young fellow” she says. I humbly ask of you all to please pray for God’s grace on them, and for that change of heart for both girls involved, that they find true and meaningful relationships of their own.. My daughter is an occasional church goer. Please guide me and partner with me for this Miracle! Thank you and God Bless you all.


      My prayers are with you.

  17. Michelle Oyole

    Dear Wattle,
    May the Lord Jehovah remember mercy on your daughter and Her friend. I have just mentioned them to our merciful Saviour…. On the same, the plan of God regarding this kind of a relationship was and is between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:19 onwards). Anything contrary to this is unholy before God. Remember, this kind of sin is what brought judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah (sexual pervasion) (Genesis 19). Therefore, this the plan of the enemy the devil to destroy that which the Lord created as good….. However, there is hope. Our Lord Jesus on the cross said it is finished. You need to get on your knees and declare the victory of the Lord over your daughters life. But first, you will need to repent. Repentance breaks chain. Confess this sin that your daughter has done since you are the one that understands its gravity and ask the Lord to remember mercy on her and your whole family. Going to church is not the same as meeting God. Your daughter needs to have an encounter with our Lord. You will need to step up and share the word of God with her. It is important that even before you share, ask the Lord for His wisdom and grace on how to do it. When your daughter is going to church, pray that the Holy Spirit the Teacher and Convicter meets with her. Just surrender the battle to Him- our Lord and Saviour. Be encouraged that the blood of Jesus is always sufficient and very able. Believe.



  18. Gwen Bengtson

    I just got a call from my daughter who said that her boyfriend’s sister was in a car accident last night and they do not expect her to make it since she has severe brain damage. PLEASE pray that God will work a miracle if that is His will.


      Be comforted, in His will.

  19. Jeffrey

    I am requesting prayer in regards to the direction God is calling me in ministry

  20. Norah

    Thanks so much for opening my inner eyes. Blessed be to God.

  21. lynn

    This is so beautiful I am from South Africa find myself waking early morning to prayer or sometimes in the middle of the night i am not sure what god is telling me but i want to be close to him, i have sinned and come short but my heart belongs to Jesus Christ, guide me please.

  22. BASHIR P

    Dear Pastor, Brother & Sister in Christ,
    Greetings to you in Jesus’ name!
    I am Bashir from India! God has asked me to reach out especially to the Muslims with The Gospel of Christ and plant Churches among them. God is using me for His own glory among the Muslims.
    I am seeking more prayers of God’s saints around the world. My daughter Noorie’s life is in danger. Therefore, I am in great need of your kind prayers & intercessions for her life. I am very sad to share with you that she has developed friendship with my former care taker of the Church building who is a lair, unfaithful and morally corrupted boy. God’s Spirit led me to found your contact address through Google search so that you could pray & intercede with my prayer request.
    Please pray that God’s Spirit will convicts Noorie’s heart and she will break this unholy & inappropriate friendship for His own glory. Please pray that Noorie will give priority to Jesus in her life and LOVE TO HIM BY OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS.

  23. Peter nestors

    For me is to open wide my mouth and the lord will feeled it and that prayer my key . He teached them and me too our hands for warr and fengers for batles

  24. Naima

    Praise King Jesus. ….I’m so excited for this site…learning so much especially how to be a prayer warrior. I was a Muslim before but when I gave my life to Christ I feel so much power and love. A year ago I lost my marriage of over 10 years old. With four lovely kids. I feel I need a miracle for marriage…been prayer and my question is I’m doing it wrongly or is there a specific way of praying for marriages? Thanks

  25. Sylvester Harrison

    I need more info on prayer warrier and ceekers.God has call me to serve.

  26. Isaac Bondzie

    I really have the zeal to serve the Lord with all my heart,but my love for Him grows cold coz of situations…no job,no money,no peace and lots of issues….I need prayer to bounce back into worshipping GOD

  27. Ajayi

    To Isaac,the secret is to bounce back to God by contiously doing his will and working for him.Tje enemy has brought those challenges so you wont seek God.Put aside the challenges and focus on God anf you will see him turn things around for your good. . Praying with you

  28. Deepika

    Can all prayer warriors pray for me as I want to learn flent spoken English as be part of prayer warrior.
    Pls help me Jesus Christ, I’m.crying and asking you this as help. Lord you saw for the laat 2 months or so that I actually prayed for others online. But unfortunately with my interpretation skills and my spoken English one person said when I asked to repent every single time before we go to God it’s not really necessary. But I just as an habbit do this whenever I pray. Anyway, she was bit upset with my interpretation and I completely stopped praying for others today. As I’m asking my living God to touch my mouth and pour out His spirit of learning a language (English) into myself. GOD, I need tbis miracle today Lord and help me please.
    In Jesus’ mighty name Amen!

  29. Vicky

    Good day brothers and sisters in Christ. I need prayers on how to believe and have trust in God. I do question God whenever something bad happens to me. I do pray but I am not sure if I am doing so the way it is supposed to be. My faith in God is very weak. I understand that some people do communicate with God and I want to learn how to do that. I am in financial crisis, and I don’t know how I will settle my debts. I have educational qualifications, but whenever I am applying for new jobs, I don’t get positive results. It’s like there is some bad sprits blocking my ways and I don’t know how to breakthrough it. All that is draining me emotionally and it is taking away my peace. I need prayers to live a normal life, and I believe that together we will be victorious.

  30. k kiran kumar

    father , please pray for air and good environment

    we are near dead bodies plase

  31. agnes amukoye

    Comment…I thank you for the powerful message i believe that it is going to be of beneficial to me.I need God to restore the zeal of prayer in me so that to move in the spiritual way i love prayers but the devil is really fighting me but i will emergy a vector


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