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womensLIFE Conference

Hold Fast

& Hold Forth

the word of life

“…that you may…shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life…“ Philippians 2:15-16

WomensLIFE Conference – “Hold Fast & Hold Forth”

Friday, Sept 27, 5:30pm-9pm & Saturday, Sept 28, 9am-2pm

Ladies join us for our womensLIFE two-day conference! As we are His beloved, called to shine as lights in the darkness of the world around us, we will learn what it means to hold fast to His word and then hold it forth together.

Our hope is that you will not only be strengthened in His word and uplifted through a time of worship, but also have an opportunity to connect with other like-minded women and encourage one another as we do life together.

$10 Registration is required and includes Friday night, all day Saturday plus a charcuterie lunch!

Please note that we’ll have various food vendors available for purchase Friday night beginning at 5:30 pm before the conference starts. In addition our Coffee Life Cafe will be open at 7am-9am Saturday morning.

Childcare for Nursery – Fifth grade is available with sign up at Please sign your child up for each day you plan to attend, and bring a pre-packaged lunch for your child on Saturday.

Invite a friend to join you and register for the conference below!

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Price: $10.00